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I am Teresa McCoy. I am proud to be Catholic. I am blessed to be the wife of Daniel McCoy and we are blessed to be the parents of three wild but wonderful children; Faustina (3), Anastasia (2), and Daniel Clinton V (7 m). 

I graduated from Benedictine College in Atchison, Ks (Go Ravens!) and I loved every minute of it. That's where I met Daniel! Click HERE for that story!

How did I get involved in "fitness" ? I gained 30lbs in college  and started complaining a lot. Finally Daniel said to me "If you are unhappy stop complaining, take control, and DO something!"  So that night we went to the elliptical and my journey began. In the beginning I did lots of cardio, then started lifting weights. To further my results I jumped on a 24 Day Challenge and lost 10lbs. Learn more about that HERE. Months later we got married and I was so excited about my fitness journey I decided to help others so I became NCCPT certified. Then a couple months later we became pregnant! After having lost weight I was scared I was going to loose all the progress I had made so I made the decision to have a "fit pregnancy". I started to research as much as I could to make sure I did it right.  After 2 more pregnancies, and starting Crossfit, I decided to get more serious about my education in order help other moms. Since then I have taken courses from Julie Wiebe PT, Brianna Battles, and Oh Baby! Fitness. I am learning more every day to make sure I am helping my clients the RIGHT way. I have learned so much about Diastasis Recti, Piston Breathing, Alignment, and more!

The greatest lesson I have learned is fitness is not how many times a week you workout. Fitness is about choosing a healthy lifestyle that works for you! (not changing from diet to diet) It's about living life to the fullest, enjoying every moment and realizing that it's important to be strong from the inside out for YOU and your family! Fitness means having the energy to play with your kids and to know when to take a break. Fitness is NOT being so focused on a workout that you miss out on life. Fitness is asking for help and knowing when something doesn't seem right to seek help. Fitness is knowing you are beautiful from the start! Fitness is about enjoying the process.  

So join me alongside this journey called life! Let me help you hit your goals and live the healthy lifestyle you've always wanted but maybe haven't known how to or haven't had the support. I want to help spread the word on what true strength and beauty is.

Join me now! 

About Me

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